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1.All cars must conform to the SAFETY requirements of the host track's sanctioning body,
as they pertain to each vehicles performance capacity.
2.Driver must have a valid competition license for the sanctioning body of the track.
3.Track rules apply.
4.All cars will be inspected for the general safety.
5.By your entry into the MWB event, you acknowledge MWB'S right to inspect your car at
any time for legality and safety violations.
6.There are THREE classes of race car:
A) DRAGSTER: Traditional Front Engine Dragster or Rear Engine Dragster with a wheel base
of over 150".
B) FUNNY CAR: Flip-Body funny cars, center steer altered and roadsters with maximum wheel maximum wheel base of 150".
C) DOOR CAR: Traditional fixed body car with both doors functioning and left-hand steer altered and roadsters with a maximum wheel-base of 125".
7. Class ET indexes:
A) Dragster....................1/4 mile - 7.75 1/8 mile - 4.90
B) Funny Car.................1/4 mile - 8.00 1/8 mile - 5.20
C) Door..........................1/4 mile - 8.50 1/8 mile - 5.40

1. Qualifying will run in pairs unless there are an odd number of cars. In order to keep the pace of the event and for the entertainment of the fans ( as condition allow). ​
​2. To qualify for competition, each driver/car combination must meet or exceed its class index.
​3. Eight-car minimum field size with bye-runs from accepted NHRA ladder sheets.
4. The ladder will be set by doing a random draw once time trials have been completed.
All cars competing in eliminations must check in prior to the setting up the ladder.
5. In order to an eight-car field, cars that fail to qualify may run in competition. ​


1. All cars to compete on fourth tenths pro-tree.
​2. All cars compete with a handicapped start.
A)Minimum ET in effect for each class.
B)Must dial class minimum or quicker.
​3. Courtesy staging is mandatory.
4. Deep staging is permitted.
6. No throttle stops or delay boxes, crossovers, stutter boxes or other devices used to control time, ET or the speed of car during the race will be allowed. Components DO NOT need to be removed from the race car (if any of these devices are found to have been in use during a race, you will be disqualified and will have no point accumulation for that race.)
​7. No telemetry of vehicle.
​8. Computer controlled functions are not allowed.
​9. Data recorders, playback tachometers, memory boost gauges and weather stations not considered computers and will be allowed to gather information only. Radio contact may be maintained between the driver and ONE crew member in the starting line area.
10. Cars entered to participate in the MWB show may NOT enter any other classes at the same event.
​11. All new members / cars will need to be approved.
12. Anymember may be asked to a single or more runs under Observation of the a
executive board member to be cleared for Competition.

​1. Any gasoline or alcohol engines ARE permitted.
2. Supercharges, turbo chargers and nitrous oxide ARE allowed.
​3. Electronic fuel injection is allowed when using a power add on.
​4. Automatically timed nitrous systems ARE allowed (cannot be progressive).
​5. Multi-stage nitrous systems are permitted.
​6. N20 stages must be manually activated by driver function ie: button, switch, shifter solenoid, etc. (provisionally stayed.)
​7. Digital ignition systems ARE allowed.
​8. Engine Diapers are MANDATORY.


​1. Any ​NHRA legal transmission may be used.
​2. Any type of trans brake allowed. All wiring must be easily traceable and be direct, voltage-switch-solenoid.
​3. All shifts must be direct relation to driver function. NO AUTOMATED SHIFTS.


> 50 points to show
> 10 points per qualifying attempt
> 100 points per round win
> 20 points per round loss
Consolation rounds;
> 50 points per round win
> 10 points per round loss

Bonus for making all races 300 points.

Bonus for making all but one race 100 points.

All POINTS accumulated remain with driver.
In case of a rain out or any other reason the race has to come to a end,all points and payouts end. the driver with the best Reaction time still in competition will be Awarded the Trophy.

1. Executive Board is to be elected during the general membership meeting to be held during the season end banquet.
​2. The executive board consists of the President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Directors shall serve for one season with no limit of terms.
A) President-acting authority of organization.
B) Vice-President-authority when President is not in attendance.
C) Secretary-documentation of organization (current or historical).
D) Treasurer-fiscal responsibility of organization.

No contract with track operator allowed without prior dialog with MWB officer. All cars will be inspected annually for compliance. Random inspections may be carried out at the discretion of the officers or division directors. Alleged violation by fellow racers ("tear down" procedure).

​1. A driver participating at the event must make a formal complaint to a member of the Executive board and pay a $100.00 inspection fee to the MWB.
​2. Plaintiff driver, defendant driver and on-site executive board member must inspect the vehicle in a short, reasonable amount of time the same day.
​3. If the vehicle in question is found to be competing with illegal equipment, the executive board will determine the necessary fine, loss of points, elimination of competition privileges for the race and/or revoking membership for one year. The plaintiff driver will be refunded the inspection fee.
​4. If no illegalities are found on the defendant's race car, the plaintiff driver's inspection fee will be split by one half. $50.00 to the ​MWB and $50.00 to the defendant driver.
​5. After the race day has passed, there will be no acceptance of complaints. As racers we do this as a hobby, for fun and enjoyment.
​6. Any member attempting to undermine the MWB will be removed from the group by an Executive member.

NOW LET'S GET OUT THERE AND GO RACING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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